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Александр Лебедев психотерапевт

Александр Лебедев, MD PhD


Закончил СПБГМУ им. акад. И.П. Павлова. После ординатуры по психиатрии защитил диссертацию (PhD) в области клинических нейронаук в Бергенском Университете  (Норвегия).

В должности доцента кафедры клинических нейронаук Каролинского Института (Стокгольм, Швеция) исследую коллективное поведение, высшие психические функции, измененные состояния сознания. Работаю с новыми моделями оказания психиатрической помощи и экспериментальными методами преодоления резистентности в психиатрии.

Автор канала House Of Ouroboros, где освещаются аспекты доказательной медицины, горячие и порой противоречивые темы в области психиатрии и нейронаук. Соавтор проекта "Дыши", подкаста о взрослых детях алкоголиков.

Также занимаюсь частной консультативной и терапевтической практикой. Проходил сертификацию по экзистенциально-гуманистическому направлению (2007, РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена), эриксоновскому гипнозу (2007–2008, ИГИСП), интеграции измененных состояний сознания (Fluence Psychedelic Integration Training Program, 2019). Имею опыт личной терапии и супервизии.


Jonathan Dekle
Operations Consultant

Alexander has been one of the more inspirational connections I have made in my professional and personal life. I have been very fortunate along the way to work with some exceptional people and view Alexander as one of the most brilliant minds I have met. A compassionate thinker who looks to improve the lives of many through innovative approaches.


Tatiana Santini

Alexander is a brilliant, highly skilled psychiatrist, scientist, and a compassionate clinician. Alexander is also a great team leader, good listener, curious, observant, diligent, as well as a methodical scientist. He is easy to talk to, reliable, wise beyond his age, and always available for support, with an "open door policy". Having Alexander on a team is a true gift and honour.


Luigi Espasiano, MD
Physician, Entrepreneur

Alexander is versatile, professional and highly driven scientist and entrepreneur. Alexander brings insights from neuroscience and computer science as well as finance, psychology and behavioural economics, making the work environment intellectually stimulating, fun and creative. Despite his many abilities,

Alexander remains humble, loyal and an incredible team player, able to face challenging and complex human situations in an almost effortless way.


Christoph Abé, PhD
Project Leader, Researcher

I have worked with Alexander at Karolinska Institute for many years. We have successfully worked together on several large-scale scientific projects. He has a very professional approach to science and research. His expertise in big data handling and advanced statistical methods is impressive and has been crucial in many projects. Given his friendly attitude and team spirit, it was always a pleasure working with him.

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Мобильное приложение по анализу сновидений с использованием семантического картирования и методов машинного обучения.

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